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Terms and Conditions

Our terms and conditions for retail customers

These terms and conditions apply to transactions we make for the sale of goods and services to you through our website, by email, over the telephone, at our retail stores or at your premises. Please read through these terms before placing your order. These terms apply to consumers only.

When you place an order with us, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. We may change these terms and conditions at any time as set out below and the amended terms will be posted on our website at These terms were updated on 05/09/2022.

About us and where to find information about us, our goods, and our services

Home Flooring Direct Ltd (referred to in these terms and conditions as “we”, “our” or “us”) is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 14070106 whose registered address is at 7th Floor Trinity Gate, Trinity Square, 32 Wes Street, Gateshead, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE8 1AD. You can find everything you need to know about us, Home Flooring Direct Ltd, our services and our products or by emailing us on or by calling us on 0191 6498815. We also confirm the key information to you in writing before you order, either by email, in your online account or on paper.

Our contract with you

These are the terms and conditions on which we supply goods and/or services to you.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully, and check that the details on the order are complete and accurate, before you submit the order. If you think there is a mistake or if you require any changes to be made to your order, or if you have any questions arising out of these terms and conditions, please contact us to discuss. We will confirm any changes in writing to avoid any confusion between you and us.

Where we have provided you with a quotation, the amount of time that the quotation will be valid for will be stated in the quotation. If you would like to proceed with the quotation you will need to contact us to confirm this and we will then contact you to confirm we've accepted it.

When you submit an order to us, this does not mean we have accepted your order. We will notify you when we have accepted your order, at which point a contract will come into existence between you and us.

If we are unable to supply you with the goods and/or services in your order, we will inform you of this and will not process the order. If you have already paid for the order, we will refund the amount paid for the order.

Once we have accepted the order, we will send you an order number. Please quote this number in all correspondence with us about the order.
We deliver to mainland England, Scotland and Wales only, unfortunately we will only deliver to addresses outside of these locations by agreement. Please contact us before placing your order if you would like goods to be delivered to a location other than those stated above.

Goods specifications. We cannot guarantee that the appearance and/or colours of products on our website, or in our brochures accurately reflect the appearance, finish, and/or colours of the physical products themselves. All sizes quoted are approximate.

The products that we provide to you shall conform in all material aspects to their description in the order, be free from any material defects in design, material and workmanship and be of satisfactory quality.

Instructions on how to care for the goods are provided by the manufacturer on their website. These must be followed to prevent any problems arising. We are not liable for your failure to care the goods in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

We have a process when it comes to the supply of goods and/services. We will make every reasonable effort to provide the goods and complete any services which we agree to provide to you within the timescales agreed between us.

Where the service we are to provide requires that we use third parties to assist, we will inform you of this during discussions of your requirements.

If we are supplying the goods to measurements you provide, you are responsible for making sure those measurements are correct. For tips on how to measure please see our website or call us.

Where we provide a bespoke designed plan, it is your responsibility to check the accuracy and suitability of the plan.

If we design products or a layout for you, we will own the copyright, design right and all other intellectual property rights in the products and any drafts, drawings, designs, or illustrations we make in connection with the products for you.

When necessary, we reserve the right to amend the specification of the goods and/or services provided if it is necessary to comply with any applicable law or regulatory requirement, or if the amendment will not materially affect the nature or quality of the goods and/or services that we are providing. We also reserve the right to change or amend the goods and/or services to make minor technical adjustments and improvements, for example to address a safety concern. If an amendment is necessary, we will notify you.

If you request any changes to the goods and/or services, such changes will be subject to our agreement and may incur additional fees which we shall notify you of.

Any services that we supply will be completed in accordance with the order in all material aspects, we will use reasonable care and skill and we will use all reasonable endeavours to meet any performance dates for the services specified in the order, but any such dates shall be estimates only and time shall not be of the essence for the performance of the services.

For us to be able to provide you with the best services, we need you to ensure that the terms of the order are complete and accurate. We may also need some information, assistance, and cooperation from you to ensure that things go smoothly such as providing us, our employees, agents, consultants, and subcontractors with access to your premises where we need to supply the services.

It may be the case that you need to do some preparation to your premises so that we can supply the services to you. This could include levelling floors, or other surfaces, removing doors and other fixtures and fittings, or pipes or wires. You may be required to obtain permissions and consents for us to supply the services, these must be obtained before the date which the services are due to start. Importantly, we need to ensure that you comply with all applicable laws, including health and safety laws, for your safety and the safety of our people, we may need to request proof of compliance.

If you do not after being asked by us, provide us with the information required or if you do not do the preparatory work for installation, as agreed with us, we may suspend the performance of the services until such time as the information is provided and/or preparation work is completed. If we incur any costs or losses because of your failure to provide the information or do the preparatory work, you shall reimburse us for such sums when we issue you a written demand. We will not be liable for any delay or non-performance caused by your failure to provide such information or do the preparatory work.

When and how we deliver your order and your obligations. We will contact you with an estimated delivery date and an installation date. These dates may be different depending on the availability of the products and our workmen who will install and fit the products.

We will deliver any goods to you to the location set out in the order or some other mutually agreed location. Any dates quoted for delivery are approximate only and the time of delivery is not of the essence.

It is important to check the products on delivery for any defects and to let us know as soon as possible should there be any defects or missing items.

Please let us know, prior to the delivery date, of any special requirements relating to access to the delivery address (including any instructions to leave the goods with a neighbour if you are unavailable to take delivery). If we are unable to deliver the goods because of your failure to provide us with any relevant information relating to access to the delivery address, or we are unable to make delivery as a result of there being nobody available to accept delivery of the goods, an additional charge may apply. Please let us know of any parking restrictions which may apply, as we may seek to recover from you any parking charges or fines that we incur as a result of your failure to inform us of any applicable parking restrictions at the delivery address.

Please inform us at the time of placing your order if other works, such as building or decorating works, are being carried out, as this may prevent us from fulfilling your order. If we are required to return at a later date as a result of such works, we may charge an additional fee.

If we are not able to deliver the whole of the order at one time due to operational reasons or shortage of stock, we may deliver the order in instalments. We will not charge you extra delivery costs for this. However, if you ask us to deliver the order in instalments, we may charge you additional delivery costs. If we are late delivering an instalment or one instalment is faulty, that will not entitle you to cancel any other instalment.

Please ensure you cover any carpets, flooring or furniture and remove pictures and valuables from the delivery area and the route to it through your property. Whilst every care will be taken, we will not be liable for any damage to your property caused by your failure to provide a clear access route to the delivery location. We are also not responsible for any pre-existing damage to your property.

We shall not be liable for: (a) any property damage sustained during delivery, assembly or installation of the goods, unless you notify us of such damage at the time of delivery or within a period of 7 days following delivery and provide satisfactory evidence that such damage was caused by us and give us a reasonable opportunity to inspect such damage; or (b) any damage to possessions resulting from your failure to move them to allow sufficient access for us to deliver, assemble and install the goods; or (c) the cost of repairing any pre-existing faults or damage to your property.

We are not responsible for delays outside our reasonable control. If our supply of goods and/or services is delayed by an event outside our reasonable control, such as strikes, pandemic, natural disasters, war, riots, extreme weather (please note that this is not an exhaustive list), we contact you as soon as possible to let you know and do what we can to reduce the delay. As long as we do this, we won't compensate you for the delay, but if the delay is likely to be substantial you can contact our Customer Service Team: to end the contract and receive a refund for any part of your order that you have paid for in advance, but not received, less reasonable costs we have already incurred.

We charge you when we supply your goods and/or complete your service. The price of the goods and/or services will be the price detailed in your order. Our prices may change at any time, but price changes will not affect orders that we have already confirmed with you.

By placing an order or accepting a quote, you understand that you are contractually obliged to pay the amounts noted on the order or quote, so long as we have accepted the order. The method of payment shall be as detailed on the order.

For services, our charges are calculated on time and materials basis; it is the price set out in the order which is calculated in accordance with our daily fee rates which are calculated based on an eight-hour day from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm worked on a Business Day. If we incur any expenses from individuals that we engage to provide the service to you, we can charge you for this. All prices are exclusive of tax, unless noted otherwise in the order or quote details.

For some products we take payment at regular intervals, as explained to you during the order process. You will own any goods you buy once we have received payment for them in full. You will be responsible for the goods from the time they are delivered to you.

We will issue you with an invoice for the goods and/or services and you shall pay the amount stated in full within 7 days of us emailing this to you.

We charge interest on late payments. If we're unable to collect any payment that you owe us we charge interest on the overdue amount at the rate of 7.5% a year above the Bank of England base rate from time to time. This interest accrues daily on the outstanding balance from the due date for payment until the date of actual payment of the overdue amount, whether before or after judgment. You pay us the interest together with any overdue amount.

We pass on increases in VAT. If the rate of VAT changes between your order date and the date we supply the product and/or services, we will adjust the rate of VAT that you pay, unless you have already paid in full before the change in the rate of VAT takes effect.

The deadline for changing your mind. If you change your mind about your order, you must let us know no later than 14 days after:

  • the day we deliver your goods. If the order the goods are split into several deliveries over different days, the period runs from the day after the last delivery.
  • the day we confirm we have accepted your order if it is for a service.

When you cannot change your mind. You cannot change your mind about an order for:

  • services, once these have been completed;
  • goods sealed for health protection purposes, once these have been unsealed after you receive them;
  • goods that are made to your specifications or which are personalised; and
  • goods which become mixed inseparably with other items after their delivery.

How to let us know. To let us know you want to change your mind, contact our Customer Service Team:

You must return the product at your own cost. If your product is goods, you must return it to us within 14 days of you telling us that you have changed your mind. Returns are at your own cost unless we offered free returns when you bought the goods. You can:

  • bring the product to our office (the details of where you can find us can be found at You will need your email receipt and the card you paid with.
  • send the product back to us. If you do this, you should keep a receipt or other evidence from the delivery service that proves you have sent it and when you sent it. If you do not do this and we do not receive the goods at all or within a reasonable time we will not refund you the price. For help with returns, contact our Customer Service Team:
  • Ask us to collect them. We will charge you our reasonable collections costs.

You must take reasonable care of the goods until you return them, or we collect them. Products must remain in the packaging in which they are delivered until collected by, or returned to, us.

We only refund standard delivery costs. We do not refund any extra you have paid for express delivery or delivery at a particular time.

You must pay for services you received before you change your mind. We do not refund you for services provided before you told us you had changed your mind.

We reduce your refund if you have used or damaged a product. If you have used or handled the goods in a way which would not be acceptable in-store, we will reduce your refund, to compensate us for its reduced value. For example, we reduce your refund if the product’s condition is not “as new”, price tags have been removed, the product-branded packaging is damaged, or accessories are missing. In some cases, because of the way you have treated the product, no refund may be due. Our Customer Service Team: can advise you on whether we are likely to reduce your refund.

When and how we refund you. If your product is a service or goods that have not been delivered or that we’re collecting from you, we refund you as soon as possible and within 14 days of you telling us you’ve changed your mind. If your product is goods that you are sending back to us, we refund you within 14 days of receiving them back from you (or receiving evidence you have sent them to us). We refund you by the method you used for payment.

A problem with the goods and/or services. In the unlikely event that there is any defect with the goods and/or services provided, please contact us and tell us as soon as reasonably possible. We will try to repair or fix any defect and we will use every reasonable effort to do so as soon as reasonably practicable. You will not have to pay for us to repair or fix a defect with the goods/and or services.
As a consumer you have legal rights, nothing in these terms will affect your legal rights. Advice about your legal rights is available from the Citizens Advice Bureau website or the Trading Standards Office.

We can end our contract with you. We can end our contract with you and claim any compensation due to us if:

  • you don't make any payment to us when it's due and you still don't make payment within 7 days of our reminding you that payment is due;
  • you don't, within a reasonable time of us asking for it, provide us with information, cooperation or access that we need to provide the goods and/or service;
  • you do not, within a reasonable time, either allow us to deliver the goods and/or services to you.

We are not responsible for and do not compensate you for all losses caused by us, our services, or our products. We are responsible for losses you suffer caused by us breaking this contract unless the loss is:

  • Unexpected. It was not obvious that it would happen and nothing you said to us before we accepted your order meant we should have expected it (so, in the law, the loss was unforeseeable).
  • Caused by a delaying event outside our control. We are not responsible for delays outside our control.
  • Avoidable. Something you could have avoided by taking reasonable action.
  • A business loss. It relates to your use of the goods and/or services for the purposes of your trade, business, craft, or profession.

Except for liabilities which cannot be legally limited such as death or personal injury caused by negligence, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, breach of the terms implied by section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 or section 2 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 or defective products under the Consumer Protection Act 1987, our entire liability to you shall not exceed the order price.

We use your personal data as set out in our Privacy Notice. How we use any personal data you give us is set out in our Privacy Notice:

If you have a complaint. Please contact our Customer Service Team at who will do their best to resolve any issue you have with us or our goods and/or services. If we are unable resolve the matter to your satisfaction, you may seek resolution through the court.

These terms are governed by English law. Wherever you live you can bring a claim against us in the English courts. If you live in Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland, you can also bring claims against us in the courts of the country you live in. We can claim against you in the courts of the country you live in.

We can transfer our contract with you, so that a different organisation is responsible for supplying your product. We will tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer won't affect your rights under the contract.

Nobody else has any rights under this contract. This contract is between you and us. Nobody else has any right to enforce it.

If a court invalidates some of this contract, the rest of it will still apply. If a court or other authority decides that some of these terms are unlawful, the rest will continue to apply.

Even if we delay in enforcing this contract, we can still enforce it later. We might not immediately chase you for not doing something (like paying), but that does not mean we cannot do it later.

How we contact you. We will communicate with you by telephone, email, or by writing to you at the address specified on your order. Any notices to be given to you will be sent by email or post.